The Aquadex

The Aquadex system gently and precisely removes excess fluid, mainly water and sodium, from the bloodstream during a treatment that can range from up to 8 hours during an outpatient visit to several days during a hospital admission.

Simplified ultrafiltration with the Aquadex can be a life-changing alternative to diuretics and other, more complicated renal replacement technologies.

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Fluid Overload

Your heart is a hardworking pump—moving blood to all parts of your body. Certain medical conditions, like heart failure and some kidney diseases, can disrupt the balance and lower your body’s ability to maintain a healthy fluid balance. Other medical conditions and surgeries can cause your body to retain more water and sodium than it needs, impacting how well your heart and kidneys can work to meet your body’s needs.

Fluid Overload in a nutshell

If your heart can’t keep pumping as it should, or if other conditions are causing your body to hold on to too much water and sodium, that extra fluid backs up in places it shouldn’t. This results in a condition known as Fluid Overload (aka hypervolemia). Those excess fluids put pressure on your body, resulting in swelling, shortness of breath, difficulty with walking and sleeping, and more.

This condition isn’t just painful — it can be life threatening.

Ultrafiltration with Aquadex:
A pioneering therapy

Ultrafiltration relies on advanced technology, but the idea behind it is simple. During therapy, the Aquadex machine takes a very small amount of blood from your body. The blood passes through a filter that slowly and gently removes excess water and sodium. Blood with a better balance of water and sodium is then returned to your body. Your doctor and nurse will monitor how much excess water and sodium is being removed to help your body restore its fluid balance – which may help you feel relief from your symptoms.

If you’re curious about the technology, you can learn more about the details here.


What to expect
from Aquadex

Treatment may vary from patient to patient based on underlying causes, the severity of hypervolemia, and other factors. Typically, a treatment may last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours during each outpatient visit. During a hospital admission, treatment may range from several hours to several days.


What to expect
from Aquadex

Therapies may vary patient to patient, based on underlying causes, the severity of hypervolemia, and other factors. Typically, sessions can range from 8 hours during an outpatient visit to several days during a hospital admission.

  • Aquadex slowly and gently draws blood (via a catheter) through a smart filter.
  • This smart filter allows excess water and sodium to be removed from your blood.
  • Blood with a better balance of water and sodium is then returned to your body.
  • Depending on your specific diagnosis, treatment may last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours during each outpatient visit. During a hospital admission, treatment may range from several hours to several days.

“I am alive today because of Aquadex. If they say you need it — get it. You can get back to a normal life.”- Aquadex Patient


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See our patient
success stories

Fluid Overload can be distressing and confusing, but there’s hope. We’re here to help you on your journey, and guide you every step of the way.


Find a provider
near you

Nuwellis Aquadex Ultrafiltration Therapy is available in hospitals in cities throughout the country.